Learn how to set up team members and assign team member roles by adding them to the closing
Team Members
Step 1: In order to add a team member, you will need to open the closing, navigate to "the closing team" section, and then select the + to add a user to your team.
Important Note: Anyone can add a user to a closing. They do not need specific access. That said, the user being added directly to the closing must be a part of the lending team in Snapdocs before they can be added to the closing team directly.
Step 2: Type in the lender's name or email address and select the correct account.
Step 3: The user should now appear on the closing. They will receive an email with a link to the closing.
Assigning a Team Member Role
This affects what emails they receive about the closing when listed as a Loan Coordinator, Loan Officer, Closer, or Funder.
Step 1: After you are able to add the team member to the closing, use your cursor to hover over the name of the team member on the closing page. A pencil should appear.
Step 2: Select it to edit the closing role.
Step 3: If they do have specific roles, check any that apply and then select “Update closing role.”
Settlement Agent
If you work with other settlement agents who will need access to the file, you can easily add them to the closing.
Important Note: Settlement Agents can also add other Settlement Agents to closings as long as the user already has an account with Snapdocs.
Simply navigate to the right-hand side of the closing where the Settlement box is located under Closing Team. From here, select the +add settlement contact button to add another agent.
If your colleague already has an account, you can search for them by name or email address. If they don’t appear, you can invite them to the closing by selecting +invite settlement agent and entering their email address.
If for any reason you need to remove a settlement agent, simply hover over their name and you should see an “X” pop up over their name. Select this and you will be prompted to remove them from the closing.
Buyer Attorney
The closer can add a buyer attorney on the closing by navigating to the Consumer Team panel on the right hand side located underneath the Closing Team panel
Step 1: Select the + sign
Step 2: Either select from the list of buyer attorneys who have been added to your previous closings or add a new buyer attorney
Step 3: If adding a new buyer attorney, type in their name, email address, and phone number (required to login using 2FA). For phone number, it’s preferred to add the mobile phone number for easier 2FA access.
Important Note: By adding a buyer attorney, the closer agrees that a) the attorney is required for the transaction and/or b) the consumer. We also only allow for one buyer attorney to be added to the closing at this time.