Adjusting Client Fees

The client company has predefined fees associated with the signing products they select. If you need to change the fee, an admin or scheduler can adjust the fee on the order.

Adjusting the fee in the Client Fees section

Step 1: Select Edit in the Client Fees section on the order.Adjusting Client Fees-1

Step 2: In the Adjustments box, enter a description for the fee (e.g., Additional pages, Travel Fee, etc.) A description of 3 characters or more must be entered for the fee. You also have the option to share the adjustment details with the client. If you select the option to share them with the client, the fee adjustment appears on the invoice as a separate line item. If you do not select this option, the client only sees the fee total.Adjusting Client Fees-2

Step 3: Enter a positive or negative number to adjust the fee amount.

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Step 4: Select the Save button to adjust the fee. The Client Fees section shows your adjustment and total amount. If you chose Share the adjustments with the client, "Shared" appears next to “Client Fees” in the Client Fees section.

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