Appointment Confirmation Status Updates

Notaries can update you on their communication with the signer using the appointment confirmation tool, allowing you to maintain transparency and update the appointment's confirmation status.

Notary updates the appointment confirmation status

With this feature, the notary is prompted on the order page to let you know whether they have confirmed the appointment with the signer or not.

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If they select I could not reach the signer instead of the Confirm button, they are prompted with a list of reasons they could not reach the signers.
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In the Activity section of the order, you are able to see when the notary has indicated that they attempted to reach the signer and their method of contact.

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The confirmation status on the order changes to Signer Unreachable.

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And you receive an email with this information when the notary attempts to contact the consumer.

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This tool also alerts client users to the notary's efforts to contact the consumer on their order page.

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After the notary confirms the appointment with the signer you are notified on the order page, in a comment, and in an email.

Order page

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Comment on the order:

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As will the client user.

Order page

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You update the appointment confirmation status

If the notary or signer leaves a comment noting the appointment has been confirmed or the client user asks you to change the status you can update the status on the order page.

Step 1: Select the Unconfirmed button

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Step 2: Select Change appointment time or the Confirm button, depending on if a change needs to be made, or if the date and time are correct.

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Note: If you select the Confirm button, the appointment status will change to Confirmed.

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