As a lender, you have five different closing types to choose from when submitting closings.
Wet Closings
In a wet closing, the borrower will have the ability to preview documents before the wet-signing appointment, but will not be given the ability to eSign any documents.
It is settlement's responsibility to download the full closing package in this case and facilitate signing with the borrower to ensure they sign all necessary documents. During a wet closing, all documents are wet signed in person the traditional way.
Hybrid Closings
In a hybrid closing, the borrower will still be given the ability to preview documents before the wet-signing appointment, but will also be provided the opportunity to eSign some of their documents before the wet-sign appointment as well.
In this case, it is settlement's responsibility to ensure the borrower eSigns prior to the wet sign appointment. If not, you will need to help them eSign at the in-person appointment or convert the closing to a full wet closing if they do not opt out themselves. This will then give you access to the entire wet closing package for signing.
During a hybrid signing, all non-critical documents can be esigned. The remaining critical documents will still be wet-signed in person.
Hybrid closings are a great option for improving signing efficiency. The consumer can take care of signing all non-critical documents ahead of the signing appointment and enjoy a short 15-minute in-person signing experience.
Hybrid w/ eNote Closings
This is essentially the same process as a hybrid closing, but in this case, the Note is digitized and will be available for eSigning. So, it is of the utmost importance that you ensure the consumer eSigns before the wet sign appointment, on this type of closing.
Full eClosing without eNote
In this type of closing, the borrower will preview and eSign a portion of their lender documents prior to the remote online notarization appointment. The borrower will meet virtually with a remote notary to complete eSigning the remaining lender and settlement documents on Notarize
Full eClosing w/ eNote Closings
Very similar to the above closing but in a full eClosing w/ eNote, the borrower will preview and eSign a portion of their lender documents as well as the eNote prior to the remote online notarization appointment. The borrower will meet virtually with a remote notary to complete eSigning the remaining lender and settlement documents on Notarize