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  2. Connected Closings

Connected Closing Overview for Settlement

With Connected Closings, you no longer have to... 

  • Download wet sign documents from Closings and re-upload into a scheduling platform and/or send to the notary.
  • Download updated wet sign documents from Closings (upon a redraw or conversion), delete old documents from Scheduling, upload new ones, and inform the scheduler and notary to ensure they print the correct docs.
  • Ask the scheduler for the status of the notary search, signing appointment, and scanbacks.
  • Proactively add or update signing appointment details as they change in Closings.
  • Proactively update the lender about the key events of the notary order.
  • Download scanbacks from a scheduling platform and re-upload into Closings for the lender

Benefits and Features of Connected Closings:

Streamline scheduling workflows

  • Eliminate rework and time-consuming tasks with automatically populated appointment details and email notifications

Get instant notifications when redrawn documents are available

  • Know when revised documents are uploaded, and ensure notaries arrive at the signing

Appointment with accurate closing documents.

  • Improve communication for all stakeholders

Convenient in-app messaging allows Lender and Settlement to exchange messages with the Scheduler directly.

  • Stop playing telephone

Automated status updates keep Lender, Scheduler, and Notary perfectly in-sync.

  • Immediately deliver signed loan documents

Scanbacks are automatically shared with all parties, removing the need to upload documents on multiple platforms (or via email)

Connected Closing Workflow 

No notary order found:

A matching notary order does not exist in Scheduling.

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Notary Order Linked: 

A matching notary order is found in Scheduling and auto-linked to the closing. As a result of the link, docs will sync between platforms & appointment details on the closing may be updated. The notary order is the source of truth for the appointment date/time/location. If those details update on the notary order, the closing will stay in sync and everyone will be informed on the changes.

Closings users can now see a more detailed “Appointment status”, the “Notary status”, who the scheduler is, the signing product, and the notary fee. They also now have the ability to message the scheduler from Closings. Lastly, they can click “View details” to cancel the notary order or jump to the order in SD Scheduling (if they have an account).

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Scheduler Has Started Search: 

The scheduler has started “the automator”, which sends out signing order offers to qualified notaries.

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Notary Assigned. Waiting on Borrower Confirmation: 

Notary is assigned. Closing users will receive an email notification and can see the notary’s picture, contact info, rating, and number of Snapdocs orders completed.

The assigned notary will have access to the signing appointment details and documents. If documents are added or updated, we’ll email the notary. Additionally, if applicable, we’ll keep the notary informed about the eSigning status.

Appointment status is updated to “waiting for signer confirmation”. Notary is expected to reach out to signer to introduce themselves and confirm the appointment time.

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Appointment Confirmed: 

Notary indicates that they confirmed the appointment time with the signer.

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Appointment in Progress: 

When the signing appointment date/time has passed, we’ll show “Appointment in progress (estimated)” for 1.5 hours after the signing start time.

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Waiting for Signing Status: 

1.5 hours after the appointment start time, if the notary order is still missing a signing status, we update the appointment status to “Appointment time has passed; waiting for signing status from notary”

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Appointment Complete: 

When the notary order is marked as “Signing successful” by either the notary or the scheduler, we update the appointment status to “Signing appointment complete”.

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Expanded Messaging & Activity Logs: 

Expanded in-app messagingWhen a notary order is connected, Closings users (i.e., lender and settlement) can also exchange messages with scheduler. These messages also generate emails.

Expanded activity logs: Users on both Scheduling and Closings can see detailed updates about ongoing events on the other platform.

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