Consumer Access to Snapdocs

Consumers need to be able to access their documents on the Snapdocs platform. In order to maintain security, they do not have unlimited access to their documents on Snapdocs. 

Consumers will gain access to Snapdocs according to the parameters the lending company has set. Companies have the following options that Snapdocs can set for them:

  • Consumers can eSign as soon as documents are prepared in Snapdocs
  • Consumers can eSign on the earliest signing date range
  • Consumers can eSign on the day of the wet signing
  • In the case of closings with eNotes, consumers can eSign on the day of the wet/RON signing for all closings with an eNote (If enabled, consumers are only allowed to eSign on the day of the wet/RON signing for all closings with an eNote. This overrides the "Enable eSigning constraints'' feature policy.)

After the closing is completed, consumers can log on indefinitely, but they can only access their closing documents for 90 days after the first eSigned document or scanback was added. 
Consumer Access to Snapdocs 1

Important Note: Borrowers who are able to download their signed documents will receive an email with a direct link to do so. The link expires after 14 days.