Client companies and client users may need to be removed from having access to Snapdocs, also known as deactivation. Client companies and client users can be deactivated by users with admin permissions.
Deactivate a client company
To deactivate a client company:
Step 1: Select Admin > Clients
Step 2: Select the client from the Company Name list.
Step 3: At the bottom of their company information and settings, select the Deactivate button in the Status section.
Step 4: Select the Confirm button in the pop-up window.
Note: INACTIVE appears next to the company’s name at the time of their profile. Select the Activate button to reactivate the client at any point.
Deactivate a Client User
A client user can be deactivated from the client company’s profile. If the client user works with multiple companies and uses the same email address for each company, deactivating them from on one client page will deactivate them from all of the others. If the user only needs to be deactivated for one of the companies, this can be updated on the user profile.
Deactivate a client user from all companies
Step 1: Select the client user’s name in the Client Team Members section.
Step 2: Select the Deactivate User link in the Status section, at the bottom of the page.
Step 3: Select the Confirm button in the pop-up window.
Note: The client user is no longer visible on the client profile unless the inactive client member link is selected. The client user profile appears grayed out when this is selected. The client user no longer has access to the company’s profile and cannot place orders for the company. If the client user is set up with multiple client companies (i.e., Alamo Title-Arlington & Alamo Title- Mansfield)using the same email, it will deactivate that user from all client companies where their email is the same. You can always reactivate them by clicking into the inactive team members within the client company, clicking into the specific user's profile, and clicking Activate User.
Deactivate a client user from individual companies
Step 1: Select the Client Team Members button on the Clients page.
Step 2: Select the client user’s profile.
Step 3: In the Notes & Instructions section, the companies the user works with are listed. Select Change to edit the notes.
Step 4: Select X next to the company that the user needs to be removed from and select the Save button.