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May 14, 2024 Product Updates


Today’s eClosing Platform updates include: 

  • eClosing Platform

    • Improvements to closing dashboard view and date filter

  • Byte Integration

    • Added intake functionality to date fields

  • Snapdocs eVault

    • Auto-Validation improvements

    • eDelivery improvements 


Improved closing dashboard view and date filter

Lenders now have access to a new ‘Appointments today’ preset view. As well as an enhanced date filter on the appointments view in the closings dashboard.

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Ability to intake date-range fields

Snapdocs now ingests date-range field data via our Byte integration. The logic for this functionality is as follows: 

If a client has eSign constraints enabled and set to allow eSigning on the earliest signing date range:

  • The Earliest Signing Date is obtained from the Status.EarliestClosingDate field.

  • The Estimated Closing Date is obtained from the Status.SchedClosingDate field.

If a client either has no eSigning constraints or has eSigning constraints enabled but set to allow eSigning only on the day of the wet signing:

  • The Earliest Signing Date and Estimated Closing Date are not pulled from any data source.


Auto-validation improvements 

Snapdocs accommodates all form types

All fields/values will now be compared against all eNote fields/values during auto-validation, regardless of form type. This enhancement ensures the eVault functions universally for all note types. 

eVault supports “fuzzy matching” of certain data fields: 

  • For zip codes, the eVault will fuzzy match the first 5 digits.

  • For addresses, the eVault can match address suffixes to abbreviations (eg. Rd) or full-word (eg. Road) versions.

Blank value in the eNote to pass validation

Moving forward, the auto-validation process allows a numeric field with a value of zero in the data file to match a blank value in the eNote. Previously, this combination would cause validation to fail. Now the validation process allows this to pass. Auto-validation will check all fields (including ARM fields) for all note types


eDelivery improvements

Snapdocs has added the option to selectively eDeliver eNotes. This is useful when transferring eNotes to multiple partners but only needing eDelivery for specific partners with an eVault.

This can be configured in the ‘Partner Configuration’ section: 

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In addition, we now allow for the eDelivery of eNotes in bulk. This option is now available on the ‘Bulk Secured Part’ update page. 

Lastly, eVault users now have the ability to copy and paste multiple MINs into the eNote search bar within the ‘Transfer & Start eDelivery’ pages. This allows for easier selection of multiple eNotes.