As a client user you can access and create orders for your company.
This article is a brief overview of getting set up with your login information, accessing your orders, creating orders, and interacting with your orders.
If this is your first time working on Snapdocs, create a password.
Your account
Client Contact Sharing
Before you create an order, decide if you would like to share any contact information with the notary's assigned to your orders. Your contact information will be available to the notary on the order, and will allow them to contact you with questions or issues that arise. Orders are less likely to end in a "Did not sign" if the notary and consumer are able to get their questions answered quickly.
Select the drop down arrow beside your name at the top right corner of your dashboard. Then, select "My Account." The contact setting will allow you to decide which contact, if any, you would like to share to notaries on your orders. You can update these settings at any time.
Your dashboard
Once logged in, you will see your dashboard where you can view your orders and create new orders.
Create a New Order
When you're ready to add an order, select the +Add Order button to open the Create Order page. Enter the order details (i.e., location and date & time), choose which client company this order is for (if you work with multiple), enter the consumer’s information and choose to give the consumer access or not, and add participants if needed.
Order Page
On the order page, you can stay up to date with your signing and take action on it when necessary (e.g., upload docs, add additional participants, send messages to other users, etc.).
Order Progress
After a notary has been assigned by your company, their information appears on the order page.
You will also receive an email alerting you a notary has been assigned.
When the docs are ready, you can upload them and send them to the notary on the order. You must release the documents to the notary or they will not receive the documents.
Note: If the notary has not been assigned yet when you select Finished Adding Docs a message that says, “Thanks for letting us know. We will send the documents to the notary when possible. You can still add documents if necessary.” appears at the top of the order.
You can see when the notary confirms the appointment with the signer and docs have been sent to the notary.
You will also be able to see when the signing has been completed.
If a signing was unsuccessful, canceled, or put on hold, you are alerted to that as well by a status in the upper right corner and a comment.
Order Comments
To send messages to other parties on the signing, enter a message into the comments box, and choose who to include on the signing.
All messages on the order, those sent to and from you, are in the Activity section of the order.
Email notifications
You will receive periodic updates throughout the singing process over email or as an in-app notification, depending on the settings that the company you're working with has configured. If you receive a comment via email you can also respond to the comment by selecting Reply All. The email will be sent as a comment on the order if the email settings are set correctly.
Note: Attachments added to comment emails will not upload to Snapdocs. You will need to log in to Snapdocs to upload documents for the signing.