In-app notifications allow schedulers and admins to see order updates and information on the dashboard instead of having to rely on their email inbox.
Order updates appear in the Notifications filter of your dashboard as either All or Mine.
Important Note:
- The Mine tab shows only the notifications on orders for the specific order owner.
- The All tab shows notifications from everyone’s orders.
A notification can be marked as Read or Unread. If a notification is opened or marked as Read or Unread in one tab, it will reflect the same in the other tab.
- Notifications can be sorted so they appear by newest, oldest, or by appointment time.
- Select the checkbox next to “Only show unread notifications (#)” so only Unread notifications appear. When this checkbox is cleared all notifications will appear, but Read notifications will be grayed out.
- Select Mark all as read (#) mark all unread notifications as Read.
Types of Notifications
- Comments sent on the order as well as email replies
- Client uploads or removes documents
- Notary uploads scanbacks
- Notary enters a Did not sign status
- Notary responds to a rescheduled appointment
- The notary or consumer requests a rescheduled appointment
- The signers have not esigned
- Title company or the lender cancels the appointment
How to Change Notification Settings
All notifications have the ability to be turned on and off. To adjust each notification, an admin must follow these steps:
Step 1: Select Admin > Company Settings.
Step 2: Select Notification settings.
Step 3: From here you can choose how you would like to receive notifications for certain events (i.e. New orders, Document updates, eSign, General order updates, etc.) Select the Save changes button after changes have been made.