How to Indicate That you are an Attorney

If you are an attorney who would like to use Snapdocs to receive closing opportunities, you can upload your bar card. Once the credential is verified, you will be labeled as an Attorney on your profile.

Upload Your Bar Card

If you'd like to be labeled as an Attorney on your account, you can upload your bar card. Uploading your credentials is completely optional. However, uploading your credentials demonstrates to hiring companies that you are credentialed and qualified. 

Any uploaded credentials are securely stored. All companies that use Snapdocs can only access your non-sensitive credentials, which includes bar cards. For sensitive credentials though, companies can only view them after assigning you to an order. Learn more about who can see your credentials here.

Step 1: Login to your account at

Step 2: Select Credentials in the left-hand column.

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Step 3: Upload your Bar Card underneath Missing Credentials on the right side of the page. If not already selected, select Bar Card and you should see a form to upload your bar card. Like other credentials, just fill in all required fields, upload your bar card, and select Save to upload the file. 

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Step 4: The ability to upload a bar card will be listed under your optional credentials on the right side of the page. Select Bar Card if you'd like to upload a bar card.

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Step 5: To upload a bar card, just fill in the empty fields, select the file you'd like to upload, and select Save.

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Step 6: Once your bar card is verified, it should be listed on your Credentials page.

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You will also be listed as an attorney on your profile. 

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