Marking a Signing as Complete

In order to mark a signing as completed, you'll need to add a signing status to the order first. Adding a signing status communicates to the company whether the signing was successful or not and allows you to enter in any shipping information.

To add a signing status, watch the video tutorial above or follow these instructions

Step 1: Log into your notary account here.

Step 2: Select the order you want to mark as completed from your Dashboard.

Step 3: Select Add signing status button to indicate whether the signing was successfully completed or not.

Marking a Signing as Complete 1

Step 4: Fill out the Signing Status box that pops up to indicate whether the signing was successful, add any relevant document shipping information and notes about the signing. 

Marking a Signing as Complete 2

Step 5: Select Save when you're done. Snapdocs will automatically invoice the company once a signing status has been added. For orders received through Snapdocs, only the company can close the order. 

Note: For orders that you've manually added, the popup box will be slightly different. You can check Send email notification to client if you would like to send an email notification to the client. Also, we will not invoice the client when a signing status has been added. If you'd like to do that, you'll need to invoice the client separately. Additionally, you can close the order and choose to either send an invoice to the client or not. Click here to learn more about invoicing.