Messaging Companies On an Order

As a signing agent, there may be times where you need to ask questions and send messages about specific signings to the signing service or title company that contracted you.

This can be done using the comment feature on each order, any comments you leave on an order will be sent to the company. 

If you've sent a message but would like to edit your message or delete it, you can also do so. Follow the instructions below to send a message to a company you're working with, to edit a message you've sent, or to delete a message. 

How to Send a Message

Step 1: Log in to your account at and select the order you'd like to comment on from your dashboard. 

Step 2: Select your recipient and leave your message in the box underneath Activity.

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Step 3: Once you've typed in your message, select the Create Comment button to send your message to the company. 

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Step 4: Your comment will be sent as an email to the signing service or title company that created the order. The comment should also appear on the order page so that you have a written history of all messages sent between you and the company on Snapdocs.

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How to Edit a Message

Step 1: Hover your mouse over a message that you sent. You should then see a pencil icon and a X appear towards the upper-right corner of the message, as shown below.

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Step 2: To edit your message, select the pencil icon. Then you will have the ability to change your message. To cancel making changes, select Cancel. To save your changes, select on Update Comment.

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Step 3: If your changes were successfully saved, you will see your updated message.

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How to Delete a Message

Step 1: Hover your mouse over a message that you sent. You should then see a pencil icon and a X towards the upper-right corner of the message, as shown below.

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Step 2: To delete your message, select the X. You should then see a confirmation message, asking you if you're sure you want to delete the message. Select Cancel if you would not like to delete the message. Otherwise, select Delete to remove your message. 

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Step 3: If your message has been successfully deleted, you should no longer see it under the comment section on the order. 

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