As a signing agent, you can keep track of all your orders using the Snapdocs platform.
Advantages to adding independent orders to your Snapdocs dashboard
- You will have one central dashboard to track all of your loan signings.
- You can take full advantage of all the free tools and features we offer for notary signing agents. This includes tools like invoicing, accounting, and automatic mileage calculations.
This can be Snapdocs orders and non-Snapdocs signings. Manually added orders are signings that you add to your account, they are not orders that have been created by a company that uses Snapdocs.
Note: Manually added orders are completely private to you. Companies on Snapdocs cannot see the information within your private orders. Also, other notaries cannot see these orders or the details of any orders you completed with Snapdocs.
To add an order you received off of Snapdocs to your dashboard
Step 1: Sign into your account using This will navigate you to your dashboard, from there select Add a signing on the left-hand side of the screen.
Step 2: Fill in the details of the signing. The only information we require for manually added orders is the last name of the borrower, so feel free to add in as much or as little information as you'd like. Once you're done, select Save signing.
Note: Once a private order is saved it cannot be deleted, only edited. If you have saved the order by mistake we recommend replacing it with another order instead.
Step 3: After clicking Save signing, you should be brought back to the individual order page with all the details of the order filled in and saved.
Note: If you need to make an edit this can be done using the edit order button on the right-hand side of the page.
Step 4: From the order page you'll be able to add a signing status for the order, track expenses incurred, send an invoice to your client if you'd like, and keep your client in the loop through email notifications of any comments you leave on the order.