Requesting Scanbacks on an Order

If you have a signing that requires scanbacks (scans of the signed documents uploaded to the order), Snapdocs gives you the ability to indicate this on a specific signing product or the order create page.

To add the scanback requirement to a signing product

If you have a specific signing product where scanbacks are always required, you can note this on the signing product, so that every time you create an order using that signing product, the notary will see that scanbacks are required. 

Step 1: Select the pencil icon in the Signing Products section.

Note: Navigating to your signing products differs depending on whether you have client-specific products enabled or generic products.

Requesting Scanbacks on an Order 1

Step 2: Switch Require Scanbacks to Yes.

Note: The notary will see that scanbacks are required as well as any specific instructions you have added for those scanbacks.

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Step 3: Every time you select this signing product for an order, the Any scanbacks required? check box on the order create page will be automatically checked and the scanback special instructions will auto-populate. 

Note: You can always uncheck this box on the order create page if there is a specific order where scanbacks are not required.


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Scanbacks Required on a Per Order Basis

You indicate that scanbacks are required on a specific order. When you create an order there is a box where you can note whether scanbacks are required for products that don't mandate them on a product level.

Select the Any scanbacks required? text box if scanbacks are required it will be added to the special instructions.

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Notary View

When a notary receives a signing notification, the scanback requirement is visible to them on the signing notification.

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Note: You can also choose to make notaries acknowledge that scanbacks are required for the signing. If that is something you are interested in, please reach out to so that we can turn that additional feature on for you.

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Notary confirmation email

The notary will also be able to see all scanback information, including the special instructions for scanbacks, in the notary confirmation email.

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Notary order view

The notary can see that scanbacks are required and any scanback instructions in the General Instructions section of their order view.

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