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June 11, 2024 Product Updates


Today’s eClosing Platform updates include: 

  • eNote Enhancements for borrowers

  • New functionality for Non-Borrowing Owners (NBOs)


eNote Enhancements for Borrowers (LC-8237)

In order to improve the overall signing experience for your borrowers, the following enhancements have been made to the eNote flow: 

  • Updated instructions that guide borrowers through the eNote signing step

  • Helpful descriptions that explain why their Social Security Number (SSN) is required

  • Lender branding has been added throughout the eNote process

June 11, 2024 Product Updates 1


New Functionality for Non-Borrowing Owners (CIN-3594)

Lenders can now give Non-Borrowing Owners (NBOs) the ability to either a) preview documents on all transactions or b) not preview documents at all. Notifications to borrowers will differ slightly, based on the digital closing type: 

  • Wet, hybrid, and hybrid + eNote closings: borrowers will not receive any communication from Snapdocs thus not being prompted to enter Snapdocs at all. 

  • Full eClosings (RON): borrowers will not be prompted to preview documents or see the preview panel in their view. However, they will still receive communications related to the closing and their virtual appointment. 

Please reach out to your Snapdocs Representative to have this feature enabled. 


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