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March 19, 2024 Product Updates


Today’s platform updates include: 

  • eClosing Platform: 

    • Update to borrower address requirements for full eClosings (RON)

    • Closing Quality Control: Handwritten Date Reviewer

    • Closing Quality Control: Confirm errors & write in-line instructions for title partners

  • Snapdocs eVault:

    • Improved error messaging for secured party data changes

    • Updates to the “Add & Remove Document” functionality


Update to borrower address requirements for full eClosings (RON)

When creating a full eClosing (RON), it is no longer a requirement to input a borrower address. Instead, borrowers will be prompted to submit their address during self-identification when entering their virtual signing appointment. 


Confirm the accuracy of handwritten dates

Note: this feature is available for lenders with the Closing Quality Control (CQC) missing signing fields enabled. 

Quickly review and verify the accuracy of handwritten dates using Closing Quality Control. Within the Closing Quality Control Report, funders & post-closers can now scan all wet-signed dates in a single view, giving them the ability to easily identify any dates that require correction. Title then has real-time visibility into which dates require a correction, immediately viewable within their Quality Control Report.

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Confirm errors & write in-line instructions for title partners

Note: this feature is available for lenders with the Closing Quality Control (CQC) missing signing fields enabled. 

Streamline coordination with title errors that require corrections within the Closing Quality Control Report. If an error is detected on a closing document, funders & post-closers can quickly confirm the error and write instructions on what to fix within the QC Report. Title will then immediately receive an email with your instructions, eliminating the need to manually send an email. 

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Improved error messaging for secured party data changes

If a Secured Party data change is made, the eVault user will immediately receive an error message within the Snapdocs eVault. 


Updates to the “Add & Remove Document” functionality

The following updates have been made to the Add Document functionality: 

  • Users can now upload images, reflecting recent updates by Fannie Mae

  • The eVault will prevent the upload of duplicated documents, reflecting recent criteria from MERS

The Remove Document functionality has been updated to better indicate which document the user is removing.