Closing Agent and Title Insurance Producer Licenses

Some states require notaries to obtain special certifications or licenses in order to complete loan closings.

For Minnesota, notaries must be licensed closing agents. For Maryland and Indiana, notaries must obtain their title insurance producer license to become a TIPIC (Title Insurance Producer Independent Contractor). 

If you have either a Minnesota closing agent license or a Maryland/Indiana title insurance producer license, you can specifically upload your license to your Snapdocs profile (instead of uploading it as an Additional Credential). Doing this will help boost your ranking. Also, you'll be specifically indicated as having a verified closing agent or title insurance producer license for companies who look for proof of this license. 

How to upload and get your license verified

Step 1: Log in to your account and go to your Credentials page

Step 2: Scroll down until you see a list of the credentials you can upload under Missing Credentials on the right-hand side of the page. If you can upload either your title insurance producer license or closing agent license, you should see it listed as a credential.

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Step 3: Select either Title Insurance Producer License or Minnesota Closing Agent License. The page should then reload and you should see a box for you to fill in information for your license and attach your license. 

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Step 4: Fill in the required information and select the file you would like to upload as your license. If your license is spread across multiple files, select the first file you want to upload and then click on the +Add another page link to select another file you'd like to attach. Once all the information is filled in and you've attached all your files, select Save to upload your license and submit it for verification.

Note: only PDF, JPG/JPEG, or PNG files can be successfully verified.

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Step 5: If your license has successfully uploaded, the page should reload and you should see your license listed under the rest of your uploaded credentials.

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You'll receive an email when your license has been verified by our verification system. If your license has successfully or unsuccessfully been verified, you'll be able to see the status of it on your Credentials page. A document that couldn't be verified will be highlighted in red and there will be a reason why the uploaded document was rejected. A document that was successfully verified will have a green check mark next to it.

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