Trusted Devices

In order to keep your account secure and provide a more convenient login experience, we encourage you to have a list of Trusted Devices.

Adding a device to your list of Trusted Devices allows you to login from that device for the next 14 days without being prompted to complete two-factor authentication.

What is a Trusted Device?

A trusted device will be the combination of the specific device (e.g. computer, mobile phone, etc.) and browser (e.g. Safari, Google Chrome, etc.) that you are using to login to your Snapdocs account.

If you use multiple browsers on the same device to access your Snapdocs account, you will need to add each of them to your list of Trusted Devices separately.

For example, if you use both Safari and Google Chrome to access your account from your iPhone, you will need to add both iPhone-Safari and iPhone-Google Chrome to your list of Trusted Devices in order to bypass two factor authentication for the next 14 days in both browsers on your iPhone.

How Do I Add a Device to My List of Trusted Devices? 

Step 1: If you’d like to add a device to your list of Trusted Devices, please be sure to select the I trust this device box when logging in from the device.

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Step 2: After you select the I trust this device box when logging in and completing two factor authentication, you will not be prompted to complete two factor authentication for the next 14 days.

As a security measure, after the 14 days have passed, you will need to enter the two factor authentication code again and then re-trust the device, which will reset prompts for another 14 days.

Note: We use cookies to track your Trusted Devices so if you clear your browser's cookies, you'll be asked to complete two factor authentication the next time you login from that device. Also, if you don't have cookies enabled in your browser, this means that the browser can't remember that you've previously completed two factor authentication. To prevent this from happening and to ensure that your Trusted Device is being remembered properly, please enable cookies in your browser's settings.

How Do I Manage My List of Trusted Devices? 

Step 1: If you would like to see and manage your list of trusted devices, login to your account and select your name in the upper right-hand corner. A drop-down menu should appear. Select Settings to navigate to your account settings.


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Step 2: Once in your settings, you should be able to see a list of your Trusted Devices along with the location and time of the last login from each device. 

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Tip: If you’d ever like to forget a device and have it removed from your list of Trusted Devices, you can do so by selecting Forget This Device. You will then be logged out of any active sessions on that device and it will be removed from your list of Trusted Devices.