White Labeling

This guide covers everything you need to know about white labeling. It explains what "white labeling" means, then lays out what to expect and how to proceed through the white labeling process.

Note: White labeling is an add-on feature so there is a setup fee. To get started with white labeling, please contact support@snapdocs.com.

Two components to white labeling

1. When someone receives a Snapdocs email from your company the default return email address is "no-reply@snapdocs.com". After white labeling, these emails are sent from your custom address, i.e. "admin@your-company.com"

2. When one of your employees, or a client of yours, logs into Snapdocs, the default url is https://your-company.snapdocs.com. With white labeling, it can appear as if users are logging in on your company's domain, i.e. https://orders.your-company.com.

Three basic requirements

1. You manage your own email domain. We can't use a "gmail.com" or "yahoo.com" email address, for example. You must already be able to send emails from "@your-company.com".

2. You manage your own web domain. This is pretty much implied if you have your own email domain :)

3. You are willing to buy an SSL certificate for your new domain. Snapdocs uses HTTPS, to ensure compliance and security. Instructions for purchasing and installing an SSL are provided below.

Nice to have: A technical contact on your end. This process gets into the nitty-gritty of DNS. While our instructions aim to be thorough and straightforward, having someone familiar with domain management helps a lot.

Getting Started

Step 1: Reach out to us via support@snapdocs.com. We will process the setup fee, and activate white labeling features for your company.

Step 2: Identify what email address you'd like to use as your "reply-to", for example, "admin@your-company.com", and let us know what it is so we can set things up on our end. Then see the email setup instructions below.

Step 3: Decide what url you'd like to use for your snapdocs portal (it must be a subdomain of the domain you own, we recommend something like "orders.your-company.com") and follow the custom domain setup instructions below.

Email Masking

Allowing us to use your domain for Snapdocs emails requires setting up a few TXT records with your domain registrar. This section goes over how to do that.

Step 1: Log in to your domain registrar (e.g. GoDaddy)

Step 2: Find the section for "TXT (Text)" records

Look for a record that starts with "v=spf1", and...

...if you find a record

It should contain a string that looks something like this:

v=spf1 include:spf.your-email-provider.com ~all

Update the record with an additional component, like so:

v=spf1 include:spf.your-email-provider.com include:spf.mandrillapp.com ~all

...if you do NOT find a record

Create a new TXT record, with a host of @ and a value of:

v=spf1 include:spf.mandrillapp.com ~all

Step 3: Add a TXT record with the following:






v=DMARC1; p=none;

Step 4: Add two new CNAME record for secure emails (a DKIM)










Step 5: At this stage, you will need to contact your Customer Success Manager to receive additional instructions on whitelabeling. Please provide the custom email domain you’d like to use.

Once things are finished on our end (this will involve you forwarding a verification email to us. We'll let you know when to look out for it) all Snapdocs emails from your company will send from your custom address (i.e. admin@your-company.com)

Custom URL Domain Setup

This section covers how to set up a CNAME, purchase an SSL, and install your new SSL on Snapdocs.

Step 1: Take note of the url that you are currently using to access Snapdocs (it should look something like "your-company.snapdocs.com")

Step 2: Log in to your domain registrar (e.g. GoDaddy)

Step 3: Create a new CNAME that points your chosen subdomain to the current Snapdocs url. For example, you'll create a CNAME for "orders.your-company.com" with a "host" of "orders" (the subdomain) that points to "your-company.snapdocs.com" (your current Snapdocs url)

Step 4: Purchase an SSL certificate from your domain registrar. If they ask, our server type is "NGINX" (sometimes "other"). To avoid going through this process annually, we strongly encourage you to purchase a multi-year certificate (you can often get a discount this way, too).

  • There are two important snippets of code you'll receive when you purchase an SSL - a certificate, and a key. They'll likely come in file formats that are unfamiliar to you, but you should be able to open them by right clicking and opening with Notepad (or a similarly simple text editor). They should look something like this (these examples are fake).

Example Certificates

-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIDFTCCAf2gAwIBAgIJAMPJU0Hr+MC1MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMCExHzAdBgNVBAMMFnN0YWdpbmcuZmF0dHlicmFpbi5jb20wHhcNMTcwMTMxMjMyMzA5WhcNMjcwMTI5MjMyMzA5WjAhMR8wHQYDVQQDDBZzdGFnaW5nLmZhdHR5YnJhaW4uY29tMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAqj36gckzDPHasuQtjb0WLbde635xzoLJ/CukuJN8RRjtLjWEQEyZSp1yBWANSxeeF0lr3RbvaWjwpL58ZZHsUqyX w2i6NGoLNXxsAefNClzEe1YvwX2IsnvG0d4QGcF3axBwB2cXPB+3kn1yfqCM466F +KWI3WTw5PWpMhyKFYxzV3G5UILWZ3ofMpLueEXOeRiRFYGWR8RZZseo5M4vrETG Jawcfp7E9YgCZvHHgbFieZC1hr5jkDd0mpGVBzojeo8ryaPmCTAgVwaFVrS8Nv1q SMEfCjQULNY/iMPuX8kF9ltdBwnY6tnKgy7dZmuk6/ZTpk9OAisJ7du0TjISWQID AQABo1AwTjAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUANgawb8+6JappML6PLTQJZFTXUUwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUANgawb8+6JappML6PLTQJZFTXUUwDAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB/zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEAEfRjM2RvhiaGV5XdrFdrZr5agyEFsoQlN20+vYOMAayIAO9HsV/PXxvVRTLr5ACKrL6y1Dcvw2RYxOAl9hby7vfm+d1DRmFAPCNUZX5jgEdXPA1yKWac SVZ4jH89OnTUiSH4B4Tp5IKTWQJJWax6lsY3en2TUfS5J1H9hM/Z5jVYicbKKnpV 05cIES2ibxwLD3kdd/Ip6ETdBqGt+4O1hoqhGcZ+Wzl5ZGSTKAygCH7eI36thr0M EYi1k4Zac8ySpFyeMBDOeJvE5JnZlPHIFN4e724jprTBXtwuig3ianFtRLigBqh8 WLzUlr8uQ5OiGWwyIzKqVXIXml99q1GnAQ== -----END CERTIFICATE-----

Example Key

-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEogIBAAKCAQEAqj36gckzDPHasuQtjb0WLbde635xzoLJ/CukuJN8RRjtLjWE QEyZSp1yBWANSxeeF0lr3RbvaWjwpL58ZZHsUqyXw2i6NGoLNXxsAefNClzEe1Yv wX2IsnvG0d4QGcF3axBwB2cXPB+3kn1yfqCM466F+KWI3WTw5PWpMhyKFYxzV3G5 UILWZ3ofMpLueEXOeRiRFYGWR8RZZseo5M4vrETGJawcfp7E9YgCZvHHgbFieZC1 hr5jkDd0mpGVBzojeo8ryaPmCTAgVwaFVrS8Nv1qSMEfCjQULNY/iMPuX8kF9ltd BwnY6tnKgy7dZmuk6/ZTpk9OAisJ7du0TjISWQIDAQABAoIBAEnH8LCc9U4P53uO XpvGLj2D8lRXiZU5o7ZxZ8NC0CHWKrzTHs0LJYhr8gWYWkqIItDu1huMnBfwDhMo JxuSAXzXJjLfSYv7xX3ZvamZv4hVKiZV9P6DnGHWORWtiwbOjSXOiu76Y9x/1nxb d+qfRFBMy+02OLnSzIA+Y6S/L60ka12xbN5UTKNbbUHga4Rfn7hXf4r+NpdU0rYo BSxEa8/O4huPQRso0nq03ZZB2kpTTrHGRQuZlf81+I7/XCe3cNKVWyHB29cqLXqG Ooe8RnOc+RBudXOPEa8/h8J3OZwqqLISI+nCEvU9bBcR9Khxav9i1sdTF6ldSxqj hRgOTF0CgYEA320TZhgTIxmzXjagMCYaOkgHe7Le+udo7/51d2I/+C1gUJwDehYg OT5+9qtEUcltbB0aF0QyWItBFGubTWEBejaDm7eD1MXPUZke0USBtET0bBokQSyM 4slka3MEf4EZn8zjWwk5TNEj4YWOZGxVz4mQaug5cI8r9An2uzpy/k8CgYEAww/r RsHrz8CaZQnZcKXNQ72iMi2F4sYFf4jxJ7Es1ESdwskJKwaH/qnouyni3eIJNJ+H x+SNaqsn5VydQXvPJgsbi64twMRGWSZxKYWD3j4hEePhUoy4MILmBpOZKaLvRsDv mmnYndgugwnrm8Xjub4r2FZPMpw0crL03ZKoItcCgYBsVFazibi9rBhr9dB1iAPv fj0inPfAb7NRqe8Kk3iwvE+Wxg5pg5DcMJEeyKu3fBKx+OpNnaNLizlizUnfmsk8 mHH3bmNdJwv+ZF+s16qL3WMlhwdNEmy9CSjHcF0d9VqXQKB7410FAeKD1l3UEzMI DYsYSsCO8tw81xfqb8yRwQKBgDlG92MzljbO64c3uS2mwfteN75cN7A7TWoBoC5z jCJYc6q6tYJ4zH4vDjPHPOLCeMmG/qvnpM7pqzFiXJrZ7B3TrSb64lx0RePvsdLr balYvQUv0P4YbA1yonDT7mmXeoNgK/s/kWfoDuBTjWeUWCY2fVFtJpxJ2ezEN7rI Ua7JAoGAX0Ik3pw7zMmOYNnSOgwvihMfdsnZ8DnIGkWNfAfv66+xbgGkKy9KQo7A IFfrk6bsQN0Fg3do4326g09ZlUYcvKEqUsa+8GBH2176w7wL/d7jvsZHlApcr6V+ MzIl485i6Wykx97okL3O6++76feEbtSq3rOTHgl7KP1rDUAfqrw= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

Note: It's important to include the "BEGIN" and "END" sections

Step 5: Log in to Snapdocs and go to the Branding section of Company Settings (Admin -> Company Settings -> Branding). Scroll down to the "Custom Domain" section.

Step 6: Fill out the form, including your domain (e.g. orders.your-company.com), certificate, and key, then hit Save. If there are any problems, you will receive an error message. If everything is correct, you'll see a "Pending" message. It can take a day or so for the process to complete, but once the changes are live, it should change from "Pending" to "Active".

That's it! You should now be able to access your Snapdocs portal via the new url, e.g. https://orders.your-company.com.


We'll list specific problems and solutions here as they're encountered. If you have any issues not covered by this page, please contact support@snapdocs.com.