Order Count

We calculate the number of completed orders to ensure accuracy and provide our partner companies with dependable data that accurately represents your experience.

Your order count is calculated from the following

  1. The number of orders you've completed on Snapdocs.
  2. The number of orders you've manually added to your account. 

To communicate your level of experience, there's a few things you can do:

  1. Mention the number of signings you've completed in your bio section.
  2. Use Snapdocs to manage all of your signings, whether they come through Snapdocs or not. Click here to learn how to manually add non-Snapdocs orders to your account.

Note: The number of orders reflected on your public notary profile is the number of signings you've done on Snapdocs. This does not include any signings you've manually added to your account. This is why it specifically says Snapdocs Signings Completed.

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