How to Address Incorrect Payment Amounts for VendorPay

For signings that are paid through VendorPay, Snapdocs processes the payment and disburses it to you.

For the orders paid through Vendorpay, the money still comes from the company that contracted you for the signing and the hiring company is the one who still sets the fee for the signing. 

For any issues with the amount you were paid, please follow the instructions below to contact the company that contracted you for the signing:

Step 1: If you believe you received an incorrect amount, double check the fee on the order first. The fee that's listed on the order is the payment amount that was processed. 

How to Address Incorrect Payment Amounts for VendorPay 1

Step 2: If the fee listed on the order is incorrect, contact the company that hired you for the signing. You can do this by either leaving a comment on the order or contacting them directly via email or phone. We provide more detailed instructions here.

  • If you were paid too little, the company can pay you the difference directly or create a new order in Snapdocs and assign it to you. Payment for that order will then be processed in the next VendorPay payment cycle.
  • If you were paid too much, the company can work with you directly on what happens with the difference in payment.
  • If you shouldn't have been paid for a signing, the company can contact Snapdocs support and request that the payment transfer be reversed. All parties (the notary and the company) must agree though that the payment should be reversed.