Companies that use Snapdocs and have worked with you in the past can only see their own orders with you. Orders manually added to your account, only you can see those.
Orders Completed Through Snapdocs
Companies cannot see the signings you've done with other companies or signings that you've manually added to your account, they can only see the orders done with you. This means that they do not know who your other clients are and how much your fees are.
Orders You Have Manually Added
Only you can see orders that you manually add to your account. Companies on Snapdocs cannot see these orders at all. Neither can companies that do not use Snapdocs.
If you've added a client that does not use Snapdocs to your account, you still control how much information they have access to when you add an order of theirs to your account. You can choose to message your client through Snapdocs' commenting system and send an invoice through our system. However, by default, these options are not automatically selected for you. You can use Snapdocs to manage the signings you receive outside of Snapdocs without having to let your client know or get involved. We will also never message your client on your behalf without your permission.
Note: Snapdocs does not solicit your clients based on the orders you’ve manually added to your account. Instead, we attend industry events, receive referrals through companies that currently use Snapdocs and do a lot of market research to identify companies who might benefit from using Snapdocs.